Get all your questions answered!

The most versatile & complete platform to cater to all your needs. From basic surveys to complex research, Measuring customer satisfaction and employees and more!


A platform for conducting surveys and building questionnaires

Sign up with us today and build surveys customized to your needs. Add your questions, format your layout, add logic & validations and brand your survey (Logo). Collect data professionally. Choose from over 100 features and pre-built templates.

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All-round survey platform
Perform analytics on data

Special characteristics and features

The Estebyan platform contains many special characteristics that contribute to raising the efficiency of the data by setting many verification standards and building special mathematical equations according to the desire of the platform user.

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Data-driven decisions

Using Estebyan Platform, you can link more than one form to obtain accurate and reliable data. Data with verification commands helps in professional decision-making. It is one of the tools that distinguishes the Estebyan platform.

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Features Overview

Essentials Subscription Professional Subscription Custom Subscription
20+ professional survey templates
Add your logo
Logical branching
Customizable thank you page
Raw data export
Email support
Multilingual surveys Let's talk
Advanced branching logic Let's talk
Mobile device support
SPSS export Let's talk
On call support Let's talk
User Roles & permissions Let's talk
Custom scripting using javascript
Question Types
Essentials Subscription Professional Subscription Custom Subscription
Multiple choice: select one
Multiple choice: select many
Drop down: select one
Content text
Introduction text with acceptance checkbox
Section headings
Matrix question: select one
Date and time
Open ended text
Calculated field
Rank order
Image choice: select one
Image choice: select many
Common fields with pre-defined validation
Multi-data questions
Look up table
Upload file
OTP (One time password) Let's talk
Essentials Subscription Professional Subscription Custom Subscription
Required validation
Text limit validation
Limit number of answers selected
Email address validation
Skip logic branching
Answer carry over
Randomize answer options
Simple logic
Advanced logic Let's talk
Show or hide questions
Quiz scoring and instant results
Unique validation
RegEx validation
Survey Design
Essentials Subscription Professional Subscription Custom Subscription
Pre-built professional survey templates
Custom header and footer
Survey progress bar
Multilingual tool handling capability Let's talk
Customizable survey theme
Forward to friend Let's talk
Question arrangement
Font size, font style and font color
Customizable validation messages
Survey Settings
Essentials Subscription Professional Subscription Custom Subscription
Copy questions
Move questions
Question alias
Answer value
Drag and drop questions
Survey quota Let's talk
Send thank you emails Let's talk
Send thank you sms Let's talk
Save as draft Let's talk
Survey timer Let's talk
Copy survey
Delete survey Let's talk Let's talk
Delete survey responses
Delete selected survey responses Let's talk
Control survey validity
Personalize survey url Let's talk
Survey collaboration Let's talk
Essentials Subscription Professional Subscription Custom Subscription
Social media sharing
Email your survey
SMS your surveys Let's talk
Reminder emails Let's talk
Print your surveys
Offline survey
Essentials Subscription Professional Subscription Custom Subscription
Real-time response collection
Real-time dashboard
Participant statistics
Analytics collaboration
Report sharing
PDF export
Multiple visualization options
ML analysis on your data Let's talk Let's talk Let's talk
Sentiment analysis on your data Let's talk Let's talk Let's talk
Combined data Let's talk
Download consolidate data Let's talk
Geocoding survey responses Let's talk
Essentials Subscription Professional Subscription Custom Subscription
Enable / disable survey
Password protected surveys
Single response per user
Respondent anonymity assurance
Oman data centers
Essentials Subscription Professional Subscription Custom Subscription
Email support
Phone support Let's talk
Dedicated support manager Let's talk

Flexible pricing model

Customize your bills as per your need. We offer a transparent and flexibile pricing, enabling you to choose between features you need and pay only for them. Discuss your needs with us and we would suggest the best subscription for you!

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Flexible pricing

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